![]() 1. We believe that the Holy Bible is the complete divine revelation, verbally inspired and empowered by God. 2. We stress and emphasize the reading of the Scriptures daily and the right of each individual to study the Scriptures for himself. We believe the evidence that God's Spirit is teaching an individual the Scripture is the fruit of holiness and sanctification that comes through faith in Christ's redemption and Word (1 Jn. 2:26-29). 3. We believe that there is only one True God - the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit - one in unity, nature, essence and substance (Heb. 1:8; Acts 5:3-4). A view of God which is fully understood by man's reason could not be a view of the God who is infinite. 4. We believe that Jesus Christ as the Son of God and son of man, lived on this earth for thirty-three and a half years to make God known unto men. 5. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, demonstrated the authority and power of God in works and speech, died on a cross, rose from the dead on the third day, having accomplished all that is necessary for man's salvation. Through His shed blood He has accomplished redemption for mankind. 6. We believe it is essential for man to repent of sin and by faith receive the finished work of Christ by confessing Him as Lord with his mouth and believing in his heart resulting in regeneration by the Holy Spirit. 7. We believe that after Jesus Christ's resurrection that He ascended into heaven and that God has made Him the Lord of all. 8. We believe the Holy Spirit is continuing the work He started at Pentecost empowering believers to live a Godly life and empowering them for service in Christ's spiritual kingdom. 9. We recognize all the blood-redeemed and Spirit-regenerated believers in Christ to be members of the one true church. 10. Our mission is to preach the gospel of grace and of the kingdom to sinners that they may be saved. E-mail: WJoKrow@aol.com † |