Welcome to
Krow Tracts (logo)
(An Outreach of Don Krow Ministries)

Providing Free Christian Materials
and Discipling Tools for the Nations!

Mailing Address:
10065 Sun Ridge Circle
Rogers, AR 72756

Enjoy and use our free downloads of Christian Materials and Discipling Tools!

The Tracts
~ Table Talk by Don Krow ~

arrowWho Is Jesus Christ?
arrowA Dead Man Speaks!
arrowI'm So Sorry! But Not Really
arrowDo You Believe in Miracles?
arrowThe Gift
arrowSomebody Loves Me!
arrowThe Baptism With The Holy Spirit
arrowHe Told Me He Was Looking For Power
arrowWhat Happened To Johnny?
arrowThe Death Of Princess Diana
arrowThe Miracle Of The Gold Tooth
arrowFollow Me!
arrowThe Death Of My Daughter
arrowDo Good People Go To Heaven?
arrow4 Kinds Of People
arrowThe Gospel!
arrowMy Experience With A Demon Possessed Girl
arrowA Bottle of Taylor's Port Wine
arrowGod Declares Righteous Ungodly People
arrowThe Gospel According To Romans
arrowThe Blizzard Of 1997
arrowThe Devil Has Entered Me!
arrowHow Many Ways Are There To God?
arrowLooking Into Death, Its True Facts
arrowA True Story About Love
arrowA Response
arrowHow Can A Mortal Be Right Before God?
arrowThe Pardon
arrowCan We Really Talk To The Dead?
arrowThe Conscience
arrowThe Free Gift Of Righteousness
arrowThe Pain Of Infidelity
arrowThe Unhappy Hooker
arrowTo Love and Be Loved
arrowDo You Want To Know a Secret?
arrowThe King and His Kingdom
arrowI am Damned, Lost Forever!
arrowThe Horse That God Healed
arrowI Liked the Way It Felt Getting Buzzed

Want to download a zip file
with text files of each tract (English) ?
If so, click HERE (320K)

tract translations:

arrowGerman DE
arrowHungarian DE - level 1 level 2 level 3

Verse by Verse Discipling

 arrowGalatians Chapter 1
arrowGalatians Chapter 2
arrowGalatians Chapter 3
arrowGalatians Chapter 4

arrowGalatians Chapter 5
arrowGalatians Chapter 6
arrowHebrews Chapter 1
arrowHebrews Chapter 2
arrowHebrews Chapter 3
arrowHebrews Chapter 4
arrowHebrews Chapter 5
arrowHebrews Chapter 6
arrowHebrews Chapter 7
arrowHebrews Chapter 8
arrowHebrews Chapter 9
  arrowHebrews Chapter 10
  arrowHebrews Chapter 11
  arrowHebrews Chapter 12
  arrowHebrews Chapter 13

arrowJames (booklet)
arrow1 John  Chapter 1
arrow1 John  Chapter 2
arrow1 John  Chapter 3
arrow1 John  Chapter 4
arrow1 John  Chapter 5

arrowKJV (Made Clear) 1 Peter
arrowKJV (Made Clear) 2 Peter
arrowIntroduction to 2nd Peter
arrow2 Peter Chapter 1
arrow2 Peter Chapter 2
arrow2 Peter Chapter 3

 arrowRomans  Chapter 1
 arrowRomans  Chapter 2
 arrowRomans  Chapter 3
 arrowRomans  Chapter 4

 arrowRomans  Chapter 5
 arrowRomans  Chapter 6
 arrowRomans  Chapter 7
  arrowRomans   Chapter 8

  arrow1 Timothy Chapter 1
  arrow1 Timothy Chapter 2
  arrow1 Timothy Chapter 3
  arrow1 Timothy Chapter 4

  arrow1 Timothy Chapter 5
  arrow1 Timothy Chapter 6
 arrow2 Timothy Chapter 1
 arrow2 Timothy Chapter 2
 arrow2 Timothy Chapter 3
 arrow2 Timothy Chapter 4

For more Table Talk videos visit us at delessons.org



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for more teaching materials, go to delessons.org
and click on Discipleship Tools


arrowAnywhere Everywhere Devotion
arrowArticles Exposing Common Errors in the Church Today
arrowBeliever's Battle Plan
arrowDiscipleship Lessons from the Teachings of Jesus
arrowDisciples or Christians
arrowGalatians (LDNT) DE program
arrowJesus was Kingdom Centered

arrowKing James Version AND
The Last Days Bible Discipleship Program:
The Letter of Colossians

arrowKing James Version AND
The Last Days Bible Discipleship Program:
The Letter of Hebrews

arrowKing James Version AND
The Last Days Bible Discipleship Program:
The First Letter of John

arrowKing James Version AND
The Last Days Bible Discipleship Program:
The Letter of Paul to Titus

arrowKing James Version AND
The Last Days Bible Discipleship Program:
The First Letter of Peter

arrowKing James Version AND
The Last Days Bible Discipleship Program:
The Letter of First Timothy

arrowKing James Version AND
The Last Days Bible Discipleship Program:
The Letter of Second Timothy

arrowPaul and Jesus Teaching the Same
arrowRediscovering the Gospel of the Kingdom

arrow Repent and be Converted
arrow Repentance: Toward God or Away from God?
arrowTen Facts Concerning the Kingdom
arrowThe King and His Kingdom
arrowThe Law and the Christian
arrow What was the Message of Jesus?
arrow Why Delay? Go and Be Baptized!


arrow When GOD Says I DO 
arrowWhat Is Repentance?
arrowUSDA Choice Flesh
arrowThe Invisible Addiction
arrowThe Error of Ultimate Reconciliation
arrowUncle John Vassar -
The Praying Personal Worker

arrowThe Kingdom Of God
arrowThe Choice To Forgive - by Malcolm Smith
arrowHow To Find God's Will
arrowChristian Water Baptism
arrowAn Open Letter To My Dad
arrowTips On Sharing Your Faith
arrowR. A. Torrey -
The Pointed Personal Worker

arrowHenry Clay Trumbull -
The Pioneer Personal Worker

arrowThe Power Of Sin -
by Bill Gillham

arrowThe “Power Of Sin” Is Not The Sin Nature -
by Bill Gillham

arrowThe Exchanged Life
arrowAgape Love
arrowPutting More Life Into Your Marriage
arrowPrayer, Repentance and Salvation
arrowD. L. Moody -
The Practical Personal Worker

arrowJohn Wesley -
The Itinerant Personal Worker

arrowJust One Gospel
(A look at ultra-dispensationalism)

arrowLiving In The Rest Of God -
by Malcolm Smith

arrowA Muslim Asked, Who Is Jesus Christ?
arrowGreasy Grace by Jim Richards
arrowFinding My Way Back Home - by James Lisi



“Go ye into all the world...”

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations,
and then the end will come.”
(Matthew 24:14)

Here are links to our translated tracts!
German DE - Chinese - Romanian - Afrikaans - Spanish

If you would like to translate any of our tracts, we would be pleased to add your translations to our site.
You can e-mail translated tracts to WJoKrow@aol.com.

We are constantly in the process of writing new material and would like your suggestions.
Revisit our site from time to time for new selections.


